Wednesday, September 24, 2008



** AWIN used to play hard and sick when she was a child. She used the kite to be her favorite activity when she was a child.
**IZZATI used to play with marbles and Barbie doll when she was a child. She used the badminton to be her favorite activity when she was a child.
**FIZAH used to play with stationary when she was a child. She used the teaching to be her favorite activity when she was a child.
**FAIZAH used to play with marbles when she was a child. She used the sahiba to be her favorite activity when she was a child.
**SHIDA used to play with Barbie doll, marbles, ball, and playdoh when she was a child. She used the kite and badminton to be her favorite activity when she was a child.

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